Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Does Being Beautiful have an Affect on Self-Esteem?

There’s an old phrase that resurfaces only to ease the minds of individuals who believe their physical appearance is unpleasant: “Beauty is only skin deep.” And it’s true, but only to a certain extent. In reality, are we really able to look past the physical appearance of others unconditionally and accept them for who they are? Should interviewers, police officers and clients ignore the way we look and the way we carry ourselves and focus solely on our words and actions? As much as we believe that the media is placing a huge emphasis on our common imperfections by constantly showing us what the ideal person should like, we can’t ignore the fact that we are influenced by it to some extent. With that being said, should we all learn how to be beautiful?

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Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Modern Girly Girl.

What is a Girly Girl? Try typing this into Google and you come up with the following results:

  • Always be happy and bubbly (sometimes, we PMS)
  • Have a shower everyday (really? so what do you non-girly girls do?)
  • Compliment other girls (otherwise, be fake)
  • Wear bright and sparkly eyeshadow (if you want to look tacky)
  • Squeal at everything that makes you jump (what are you, 8?)
  • Act like you have little to no intelligence (whoever said this is an idiot)

I'm a Girly Girl, no doubt about it. I'm a happy person. I shower everyday (and so should you). I give compliments when they have been earned. I love pink, and I admit I squeal sometimes if things take me by surprise... but these are things that make up who I am. They are not things that define a Girly Girl -- especially not the Modern Girly Girl. To be girly no longer means being ditzy and "blonde." It no longer means you have to own furry notebooks and feathery pens -- remember Cher and Dionne from Clueless? Don't go there. Whoever gave this kind of advice to females (especially younger teens) and posted it all over the Internet, I hope you're proud of yourself and the screaming pink snobs running lose all over the world.

Today's Girly Girl is her own self. She's someone who speaks her mind, does what she loves and knows when it's time to be feminine. She doesn't change herself for anyone, especially any GUY but knows when she needs to kick it up a notch and unleash that sexy, girlier side. She's strong minded, confident and never lets anyone tell her otherwise. She's all the power!